Add your UK film to our database

Submit details about your film to our database to help others find your work.

Billy Elliot film projected on to a building at night.

Our UK film database provides a comprehensive listing of UK feature films and completed short films that have, or are on their way to having theatrical or festival distribution.

It's the perfect place for programmers looking for UK films for their festival or cinema, for filmmakers to find collaborators, and for anyone looking to find out more about what UK film looks like.

Criteria for submission

To appear in the database, your film must be either a British production or co-production as defined by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and the British Film Institute (BFI).

Read the BFI's definition of what constitutes a British film.

Types of films included

  • Feature films (pre-production, production, post-production and completed).
  • Completed short films.
  • Our database does not generally include corporate or commissioned information films, television series, or music videos.

Film images

  • For all completed films we need a still (not a poster) from the film.
    • Stills must be JPG or PNG files and at least 750 x 421 pixels. Please make sure to press 'crop and upload'. If we don't receive a still for your completed film, we can't publish your submission.
    • If you don't yet have stills because your film is in production / pre-production, you can upload details without and add images later.

    Editing your entry

    Once your film is listed in the database, you will be able to suggest changes and updates by using the contact form link.

    The British Council has editorial control over all database entries and may update or remove listings.


    We do not publish links to IMDB entries.

    Production company and sales agent

    Contact information - a name and at least an email - must be provided in the production company and/or sales agent sections (this could be the producer or director). If you don't provide this information, we can't list your film.

    The 'Contact' information at the bottom of the form is for our internal use only and won't be published.

    House style

    • Running Time: 33 min 27 sec
    • Telephone numbers : +44 (0)20 7590 4512
    • Do not use all CAPITALS or all lowercase (e.g. for names)
    • Do not use Caps Lock to type upper case letters (use the Shift button ⇧ for capital letters or your entry will format incorrectly)
    • Separate names with a comma, not '&'

    Add your film

    Submitted a film and it isn't in the database?

    We check submissions and post entries regularly. We won't publish entries without sufficient information, including contact details for production company and/or sales agent. For completed films we won't publish entries without a still (we require a film still, not a poster).

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