Film Festival consultancy - January 2023
Free 1:1 surgeries to help with your feature film festival strategy
We are pleased to offer a series of free 1:1 surgeries designed to help you plan a festival strategy for your feature film. Primarily aimed at new and emerging filmmakers, and producers who have made or are making their first feature film, these sessions will be a chance to talk 1:1 with our Festival expert about ambitions for your film. This is a chance to walk through how to make the most of your festival submission period, explore common pitfalls, and better understand any aspect of the Festival landscape you feel unsure about.
Our first surgeries take place in January, and are offered as either in-person or virtual sessions. In person sessions will take place at the British Council’s office in Stratford, East London, while virtual sessions will take place online.
Each session will last for 30 minutes.
Places are available now on a first come, first served basis. Depending on demand we will make more sessions available later in the year.
To book your 1-1 surgery, please email Catherine Bray on telling us:
• your preferred time AM or PM (or state ‘no time preference’ if you can be flexible)
• if you would like to join online or in person
• and title your mail in the subject line: ‘Festival Surgeries January 20th’ plus the name of your film(s)
About Catherine Bray
Catherine Bray runs our Film Festival selector programme, working with the top international film festivals to screen UK films. Alongside this she is an experienced journalist, commissioner, producer, writer and director. Find out more at
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