Travel during COVID times

As travel slowly begins to restart from the UK, the following guidance may be helpful for those considering visiting festivals in the EU, both when travelling there and when returning to the UK.

Most of the EU is on the UK Government's Amber List. When you enter an Amber List country there will be slightly different regulations according to which country you are visiting.

Luckily for those thinking of travel from the UK to France for the Cannes Film Festival, the rules requiring PCR Tests 72 hrs before travel, and 7 days of quarantine on arrival, have just been relaxed for those visitors who have been vaccinated.

There is a very useful up to date guide for Cannes travellers from the UK here.

You can read about the Cannes Marche's Festival Safety Protocols here.

There is considerable discussion about the 'White List' which will enable travellers from the UK to enter the EU. However a decision on adding UK to the White List is currently under review.

When you are travelling from the EU to UK:

You need a negative test from origin country before travelling (NB must be PCR and not rapid pharmacy test).

You need to fill in passenger locator form within 48 hrs of arrival.

You need to pay for two tests – on Day 2 and Day 8 (Nb. arrival date is day 0).

You can pay for an additional rapid release test on Day 5 – if negative you can end quarantine early, but note you still have to take and pay for and take a test on Day 8.

Day 2 & 8 Tests:

Details of test providers can be found from the UK Government Travel Test provider service Amber list

Test to Release:

Need to be taken from day 5 - but note that you still need to do day 8 test regardless. Details of providers from the UK Government Travel Test provider service - Test To Release list

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