Country Town

About the film

Set in Boston, Lincolnshire, Country Town aims to introduce the viewer to a typical, thriving, market town. Narrated by the friendly local newspaper editor, it focuses on the themes of community and industry, gently and genially exploring the changes brought about by the Second World War.

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  • Release year - 1943
  • Director - Julian Wintle
  • Production company - Verity Film
  • Producer - Max Munden
  • Screenplay - Max Munden
  • Cinematographers - A.T. Dinsdale, John Havinden
  • Composer - William Alwyn
  • Sound recording - Charles Tatso
  • Performers - Philip Robinson
  • Running time (minutes) - 15 mins 19 secs

Original description

A typical English town

'This historic Lincolnshire town, an inland port, has its up-to-date buildings as well as its ancient church and Guildhall. In the busy Market Square farmers buy and sell cattle. Local industries include fruit and vegetable canning. 'Country Town' is a centre of agriculture, industry and commerce.'

(Films of Britain - British Council Film Department Catalogue - 1942-43)

Did you know?

  • Though no names are given, the film is set in the town of Boston, Lincolnshire - identifiable by the often-shown tower of St Botolph's church, known locally as 'The Stump'. The windmill that features briefly is also still extant.
  • The newspaper editor is seen in the offices of the Lincolnshire Standard, which at the time was owned by the Robinson family. The actor who plays the editor, Philip Robinson, however, is no relation.
  • The man walking towards St Botolph's at the beginning of the film has been identified by the local parish committee as Mr Holton. He was the Clark of Works during the 1920’s / 1930’s restoration of the church, and stayed on as the verger thereafter. He is depicted in verger’s robes and can also be seen in one of the church's stained glass windows as a figure clad in green, holding books.

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