Sea Scouts
About the film
A light-hearted look at the history of the Sea Scouts and the many skills its members can acquire.
- Release year - 1941
- Director - Ronald H. Riley
- Production company - Technique Films
- Producer - Ronald H. Riley
- Screenplay - Harold A. Albert
- Cinematographer - Eric Cross
- Narration - E.V.H. Emmett
- Associate Producer - Alfred Travers
- Running time (minutes) - 10 mins 10 secs
Original description
Youth carries on a great tradition
'The Sea Scouts carry on Britain's seafaring tradition, and Captain Scott's famous command 'DISCOVERY' is their training ship. In addition to Scout Law, they learn wireless telegraphy, navigation, swimming and life-saving, and the meaning of discipline, team work, resourcefulness. They thus become good scouts, good seamen and good citizens.'
(Films of Britain - British Council Film Department Catalogue - 1941)
Did you know?
- Initially believed to be lost, a solitary copy of Sea Scouts was found during the research on the British Council Film archive, held at the Scouting Association archive.
- The ship seen in the film - the RRS Discovery - was used as a training ship by the Sea Scouts until 1954, when it became too expensive to run and was transferred to the Admiralty and became the HMS Discovery. A tourist attraction, the ship can now be visited at Discovery Point in Dundee.
- The well-known sturgeon lamp-posts seen on the Thames Embankment around 01:30 were designed by George Vulliamy in the 1860s. These lamp-posts can also be found on Archway Bridge in north London.
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