Power on the Land
About the film
Power on the Land demonstrates how advances in technology and machinery have helped modernise agriculture.
- Release year - 1943
- Director - Ralph Keene
- Production company - Raylton, Verity Films
- Cinematographer - Geoffrey Unsworth
- Composer - Hubert Clifford
- Narration - F. Grisewood
- Editor - Peter Tanner
- Sound recording - Al Rhind
- Musical director - Muir Mathieson
- Music played by - London Symphony Orchestra
- Running time (minutes) - 15 mins 07 secs
Original description
Mechanisation of agriculture
'British agriculture is the most mechanised in the world. Root crops are picked by machinery; machines reap, bind and thresh the grain; the new mechanised methods of planting and watering vegetables are contrasted with the old. Land is reclaimed by machinery to meet today's need for increased food production.'
(Films of Britain - British Council Film Department Catalogue - 1944)
Did you know?
- The combine harvester seen from 12:35 is a Massey-Harris No. 21, the first self-propelled, mass-produced combine harvester.
- The yellow tractor seen from 04:00 is a Caterpillar D2, produced from 1939-1957.
- The women seen planting vegetables throughout Power on the Land were likely Land Girls — women who were employed by farmers when the usual male workers were called up to fight in the war.
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