World Garden
About the film
The public walk through the grounds of Kew Gardens and enjoy the flowers. Meanwhile, serious botanical research is conducted behind the scenes.
- Release year - 1942
- Director - Robin Carruthers
- Production company - Spectator
- Cinematographer - Geoffrey Unsworth
- Composer - Jack Beaver
- Narration - Charles Lefeaux
- Sound recording - W.S. Bland
- Running time (minutes) - 11 mins 02 secs
Original description
The botanical gardens at Kew
'A picture of springtime in Kew Gardens, of daffodils, bluebells, cherry blossom, of those exotic flowers from the tropics, the Andes, the Himalayas. In these lovely surroundings, Londoners find peace and serenity, while their children play. Rare plants are classified in the Herbarium; crop growers throughout the world are aided in their battle against pests and disease by Kew research.'
(Films of Britain - British Council Film Department Catalogue - 1942-43)
Did you know?
- World Garden is one of the earliest films shot by renowned Technicolor cameraman Geoffrey Unsworth. He would go on to be in charge of cinematography on such well-known titles as 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) and Cabaret (1972).
- When the British Council Film Committee first considered making World Garden in colour, there was some debate as to whether to use Dufaycolor or Technicolor. In the end they chose Technicolor, not just because it was unquestionably the best system, but because they felt it would give them an advantage over German and Italian productions, who were apparently unable to use the American Technicolor process because they were at war with America.
- Sir Geoffrey Evans, Director of Kew Gardens from 1941 to 1943, can be seen in the scene where grafting is demonstrated.
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